The truth will set you free

John 8:32

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With my past, I thought I’d never find the right guy -

much less a man who loved God and loved others. Not many years ago you would have found me using heroin, stripping, and all that comes along with that lifestyle. I had no idea what was around the corner.


3 Signs You’re In A Bad Relationship

You’d think a boyfriend getting you a car was a good thing. Wrong. Here are three signs I wish someone had told me earlier on.

You are not the only one. I’ve probably done it. There’s no judgement here.


It’s never too late to walk into a new life.

I thought I screwed up my life past fixing. I had no idea what God had around the corner. Talk to me. I’ve been there.



Gift-giving is a way for me to be creative and think of others. I find it’s a great way to keep up with friends and make new ones. Enter to be part of a monthly giveaway for a “few of my favorite things” - like make-up, a book, gift-cards to a Richmond-area shop, etc.