Megan’s Story


This is my new friend Megan’s story. Megan is 21 years old, recently became a nurse, and will head to officer training school for the Army soon. She went to her Catholic church every Sunday with her family growing up but in high school started losing her belief in God and the Bible.

She left for Old Dominion University and started partying four nights a week, leading to sexual encounters almost every day.

“I had no shame in my game, living the ‘single lifestyle’,” Megan said.

Megan’s roommate was a Christian and invited her to church. God, the Bible… it all made sense again. After a couple Sundays Megan decided to giver her life to Jesus…. or so she thought.

Despite going to church and trying to build community through Bible study groups, Megan continued living this extremely sinful life for FOUR more years! Throughout those years she tried to stop getting drunk and having sex, but she quickly got back to it.

Finally she hit bottom.

“Wednesday, July 15, 2020, I opened my heart to God BEGGING for a way out of my lifestyle. I felt extremely convicted for the life I was living and wanted an out SO bad. This feeling was like no other ever felt before. I was ashamed. Broken. Vulnerable. BUT, the VERY NEXT DAY God answered my prayer plain as day. I met an incredible man of God that led me to my new best friend (shoutout Brittney!) and my life has been changed ever since. These people showed me how human each and every one of us are, but thanks to our SO gracious and loving God, our sins have been paid for on the cross before we even commit them!”

Megan realized she had always gone back to the drunkenness and sex because she had never fully given her life over to the Lord. She still had one foot in the water. She decided she had to remove it all - the alcohol, the sex toys, the friends. Nothing was going to get between her and God anymore.

The world would tell Megan she was moving backwards by leaving the “single life in the city” to go live with her parents, but Megan finally realized anything that would bring her closer to Christ was moving forward.

“Sex was not working anymore. I wanted emotion attached to it,” Megan said. She is now back to trusting the Bible again. She can totally see how God designed sex for the beauty of marriage.

“It’s actually a really cool time in my life right now. My mom and I are discussing what we learned in the Bible each day. Though I’m not perfect, now I feel like I can share how amazing Jesus is with people, because I’m living so differently. That doesn’t just happen! It’s a miracle.”

Megan will tell you how Satan has been on her tail. Guys still message her asking if she wants to “come hang out”. It can be very tempting on a lonely night.

She remembers she’s not alone though. The Lord is there, and her new community of believers are a phone call away. It’s refreshing to be able to talk to guys who aren’t trying to sleep with her, and to have girls like me who totally get it.

I say this from the bottom of my heart: do not try for that ‘last night out’ or ‘sex appointment just one more time’, because it is never the LAST time. The ONLY way I could do it was cold turkey cut that string holding me down. God’s hand is RIGHT there waiting for you to grab hold and pull you in. He loves us all so much and literally sent His one and only son Jesus to save our souls!!! Do not lose hope. Remember not to isolate yourself from believers despite the convictions you feel (Proverbs 18:1), and stand firm in your faith through the trials, because God WILL reward you (James 1:12)!!! Those churns in your stomach, those back and forth arguments in your head, those desires for freedom are IT! Now is the time!!! You WILL fall. We are HUMAN, but if your intentions for eternity in Heaven are pure, God will meet you where you are and show you the truth through His Word and honest prayer.
— Megan

Maybe you have questions like the following,

  • How do I tell my boyfriend I don’t want to sleep with him anymore?

  • How can I love my friends when they feel judged because I won’t go out with them?

  • I do think my life needs to change, but where do I begin?! Help!

Megan would be happy to answer your questions and tell you more about her story. Email me at so I can connect you. I would be happy to meet/chat with you as well. I’ve been there!


Are you stuck in a Sin, Repent, Repeat cycle?


Your Life in Pieces